Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Being a married student.

  Being a married student is something I honestly never thought I would do. But I guess that's what happens when you fall in love and want to be with someone forever. (too cheesy?) In all seriousness it is one of the strangest things. Maybe it's because of the thick Mormon culture, of a mostly Mormon community, at a Mormon university, but it's still strange to me how little people think it's strange to be married here, and be a student. Any girls I know my age that are married from back home is because they are also a mother, and the mothering part came first. I guess to them  I do things in a backwards order?
  Being married here is something that is so different than the rest of my college experience. For instance, I'm actually being responsible and doing my homework. (Mostly this is because I don't have the distraction of a boy anymore) I've found when you're with someone all the time the less distracting they may be. (*side note: this however is not the same case with children*) It's not that you necessarily get bored of them, you just get used to their company. But being single sure is a lot more eventful than being married. Now I have to actually care about the important things more.
  Okay, I think I'm done with my tangent.

New Events in Luke and Kate's Ever-After.

School started and we moved into a duplex on the outskirts of Rexburg right next to the drive in movie theater. It's a lot of fun to live on our own and do our own thing. It's also a lot easier to have a roommate that I already love.

Fun things we've done.

Our Honeymoon in Estes Park, Colorado.

We climbed to the top of this hill to see the view! So pretty. 

4th of July, waiting to watch the fireworks.

I forced him to go to Casa Bonita with me. (He had never been)
Don't worry the food is still as gross as ever.

We went camping! (:

Camping at Kenosha Pass.

It looked like Ireland up there.

Luke and I went to Yellowstone, he had never been.
He told me to smile, I said no.

We made a trip to Utah and Luke got to meet his nephew Liam! 

Then we went and explored SLC.

Liberty Park.

Our last stop in the Utah trip was going to the Brigham City Open house. We hadn't planned on going and so we had no church clothes. We were the most undressed people there. But all together it was beautiful!!! 

We went to a demolition derby this past weekend. It was so fun! I want to go to another one so bad! 

We've almost been together for a year coming up on the 23rd and that is also when our 3 month anniversary is. (:


  1. I love how you killed that tree with your guy's love. If I was a hippie I'd be pretty pissed right now...but I'm not, so have at it!!

  2. At least you live somewhere people won't look at you like you are crazy for being married already. One day when you have kids it will get a lot more eventful. Not necessarily always fun eventful, but eventful. i know what you mean about the kids than married. I know someone who has a 2 year old and they plan to get married in 3 YEARS and they live all together? I find that very odd, why not just get married...
