Tuesday, July 22, 2014

One Month Old!

My baby is already a month old! Didn't I just bring her home yesterday?!

I've never been so exhausted doing something I love so much. Granted I don't love EVER aspect of it, I could probably live without the getting pooped on, peed on, having projectile spit up hitting me in the butt and feeling so exhausted that I can't imagine doing this ever again... BUT watching her grow and explore the world around her is one of the most thrilling things I have ever experienced. I love all the weird facial expressions she makes, how she can fart louder than her daddy, and how she coos to herself.

Heres an update on her!

Weight: 7lbs 10 oz
Height: close to 22 inches

Likes: Mommy, Daddy, being held, her binky, milk, her swing

Dislikes: Being in one place for too long, tummy time, and not being fed RIGHT when she wants to.

Heres her one month pictures! Hopefully I can remember to do this every month!

Right now her and her doll are the same size!